
Changes for start of 2022


As you know the State Government has given further guidelines with regards to the return to school from Monday 7 February. This may affect the planned meeting schedule (see attached)

due to begin this week. We are seeking further clarification tomorrow from the Department so please be advised there may be some changes in the way that the meetings may be held.

The TSS AGM will be the largest meeting of staff, so we hope to clarify ASAP what the plans are. 

Our Swimming and Season One sports may be ok to move forward with depending on the advice given to us. We do plan to offer a Microsoft Teams option for those who cannot attend Face to Face.

Please see attached meeting schedule, TSS School Sport dates and an exemplar sign on sheet that can be used for meetings. As you may have noted that School Sport can continue as normal, and we do look forward to having a few schools return to our program

Please let me know if you have any questions or if your school's contact information has changed.

Thank you for in advance for your patience and understanding as move forward into the school year


Brett Hull

Townsville School Sport Vice President

PE teacher

Annandale State School

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Last reviewed 31 January 2022
Last updated 31 January 2022