

Netball inter-school sport and district selection trial information

The Townsville School Sport netball sub-committee organise fixtures at the Townsville City Netball Association courts in the Murray Sporting Precinct. Netball is a season one sport and is played for 6 weeks of the year.

Two district representative teams (Townsville and Thuringowa) are selected each year to participate in the Northern Regional trials providing girls with the opportunity to vie for a position in the Northern Region 12 years and under netball team.

The sub-committee also hosts the Northern Region School Netball Cup. This one day carnival is open to all primary schools and year 7s (secondary school) across the Northern Region and is held annually.

2023 Executive

President: Toni Wilson (Townsville West State School)

Working committee: Peta Ballinger, Nicole Lennox, Lisa Robertson

Service awards

We recognise teacher involvement at Townsville School Sport in netball.

5 years

  • Craig Brown
  • Charissa Olsen
  • Gerri Perriman

10 years

  • Verne Jack

20 years

  • Toni Wilson
  • Peta Ballinger

District trials

District trials are conducted to select 12 year and under teams for Townsville district. These district teams participate in the North Queensland trials where students vie for selection in the Northern region team. The regional team competes at the state championships.

Last reviewed 30 May 2024
Last updated 30 May 2024